Amersham, Buckinghamshire
01494 840432

We offer custom designed, high quality Orthotic foot insoles from OHI International, helping you deal with foot pain, hip pain, ankle pain, back pain and many related complaints using The Orthotic Group(TOG) cutting edge gaitscan technology.
Our orthotics are custom made insoles made from unique memory flex plastics to meet your individual footcare needs. Each individual Insole is prescirbed from an in-depth biomechanical analysis using our TOG GaitScan™ System. The TOG GaitScan™ System assesses your need for prescription custom made orthotics in the same way that an optician would prescribe a pair of glasses for the individual wearer. The Orthotics come with a lifetime guarantee and have a lifespan of 7-10 years.
Orthotics can help reduce problems such as Heel Pain, Fallen Arches, Achilles Tendonitis, Plantar Fasciitis, Bunions & Calluses, Knee Pain, Lower Back Pain, Flat Feet, Arch & Metatarsal Pain, High Arched Feet, Hip Pain, Postural Instability, Hammertoes, Foot Rotation, Athletic Injury, Arthritis, Diabetic Foot Problems, Congenital Deformities, Pain from Prolonged Standing.