Amersham, Buckinghamshire
01494 840432

Are you 35+yrs old and interested in improving
or maintaining your bone health for life?
How healthy are your bones?
As we age, our bones begin to lose their density. Bone density peaks when a person is in their late 20s, and it starts to weaken at around 35 years of age, As a person grows older, bone breaks down faster than it rebuilds.
The rate of loss varies from person to person and there are certain factors that may be relevant to the those rates; these include:
· Your activity levels
· How much calcium you take in AND how much calcium you absorb
· Your family history
· Your history of taking certain medications
· Your lifestyle habits, such as whether you smoke or how much alcohol you consume
· Nutrition
· The onset of menopause
Osteopenia and ultimately Osteoporosis may develop if bone breakdown occurs excessively.
At Profortis Bone health, we are paving a new way for bone health management through early diagnosis of Osteopenia/Osteoporosis risk so that appropriate steps can be taken to help prevent and reverse excessive bone loss.
With radiation-free bone scanning we can identify if your bone density is lower than it should be and advise on lifestyle, exercise and nutrition interventions to ensure your bones stay strong for life.
Call now to book your radiation-free R.E.M.S bone density scan
01494 840432
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£145.00 Scan includes Bone Mineral Density and
Fragility Score report.
Bone Mineral Density
Evaluation of Bone Mineral Density at the lumbar
vertebrae (L1-L4) and the femoral neck providing
all common parameters of the diagnosis of osteoporosis:
BMD (g/cm2), T-scores, Z-Score.
Fragility Score
Independent assessment of internal bone structure
to evaluate the risk of fracture in 5 years through
dedicated statistical and spectral analysis
Our bones are meant to last a lifetime.
It isn’t natural or inevitable for bones to weaken excessively or fracture as we age. With the right support, our skeletons can remain strong and fully functional throughout our entire lifespan – just as nature intended.
There is always a cause for excessive bone loss and bone fragility.
Often, simply by the way we live, our medical treatments, the illnesses we have, and the food we eat (or don’t eat), we unwittingly limit bone health. Most often, the loss of bone mass represents a positive coping mechanism on the part of the body. Bone mass is being sacrificed to maintain many internal biochemical balances essential for the body’s survival.
Treating the root causes of sub-optimal bone health offers the greatest opportunity for creating life-long healthy bones.
With careful study of each individual case, including appropriate medical testing, the causes of excessive bone loss can most frequently be identified and steps can be taken to deal with these root causes.
Our body is capable of building and maintaining adequate
bone strength without drugs.
Bone is living tissue that is constantly in a state of self-repair. If we give our skeleton the support it needs to fulfill all its many functions, our bones will, in most cases, maintain adequate strength lifelong.
You can achieve and maintain strong bones naturally.
Today, more than ever, science is uncovering the many nutritional, lifestyle, and environmental factors that provide for the full expression of lifelong bone health.
Take action.
By taking taking action, each of us can use this knowledge to stay strong and healthy, creating better bones and a better life.
R.E.M.S. compared with DEXA
Radiofrequency echographic multispectrometry compared with dual X-ray absorptiometry
for osteoporosis diagnosis on lumbar spine and femoral neck
Marco Di Paola1,2, Davide Gatti3, Ombretta Viapiana3, Luisella Cianferotti4, Loredana Cavalli4, Carla Caffarelli5, Francesco Conversano1, Eugenio Quarta6, Paola Pisani1, Giuseppe Girasole7, Andrea Giusti7, Monica Manfredini8, Giovanni Arioli8, Marco Matucci-Cerinic9, Gerolamo Bianchi7, Ranuccio Nuti5, Stefano Gonnelli5, Maria Luisa Brandi4, Maurizio Muratore6, Maurizio Rossini3
Published: Osteoporosis International 2019 Feb;30(2):391-402
The innovative non-ionizing Radiofrequency Echographic Multi-Spectrometry (REMS) technique for osteoporosis diagnosis on lumbar spine and femoral neck was evaluated through a multicenter clinical study involving 1914 caucasian post-menopausal women. They underwent a spinal and/or femoral Dual-energy X-ray Absorptiometry (DXA), according to their medical prescription, and an echographic scan of the same anatomical sites performed with the REMS approach.
All the medical reports (DXA and REMS) were carefully checked to identify possible errors. REMS outcome showed a good agreement with DXA: the average difference in bone mineral density (BMD, bias ± 2 standard deviations) was −0.004 ± 0.088 g/cm2 for spine and − 0.006 ± 0.076 g/cm2for femur. Additionally, the linear regression analysis of the T-score resulting from both methods showed that the two methods were highly correlated, being the Pearson correlation coefficient 0.93 and 0.94 for the femur and spine, respectively. REMS precision, expressed as RMS-CV, was 0.38% for spine and 0.32% for femur. The REMS approach can be used for non-ionizing osteoporosis diagnosis directly on lumbar spine and femoral neck with a good level of accuracy and precision.