Amersham, Buckinghamshire
01494 840432

Bone Density Scanning - Bone Health
Massage - Sports Massage - Headache Treatment
Back and Neck Pain - Injury Rehabilitation
Running Injuries - Gait Analysis - Orthotic Therapy
InterX Neurostimulation - Chronic Pain
Physical Therapy for everyone
Located at St Mary's Court in Old Amersham in Buckinghamshire, Profortis Sports Therapy and Pain Management is dedicated to the health and wellbeing of its patients. Using techniques ranging from the ancient art of massage therapy to Space Age technologies for treating pain, our goal is to educate you about your condition and provide evidence based treatment protocols to speed your recovery.
Whether its a sports injury, work related injury, acute or chronic pain, or even just the effects of the modern stressful lifestyle, Profortis has a solution for you. See the Treatment Options tab for more information on how we can help you.
Profortis Sports Therapy provides these treatments at the Amersham location:
Massage - Sports Massage
InterX Therapy (Neurostimulation)
Pain Managament
Gait Analysis
Orthotic Therapy
Sports Injury Rehabiliation
Work Injury Rehabiliation
Specialised in the treatment of headaches and migraines
Pro - definition: for
Fortis - definition: strong, powerful, mighty, vigorous, firm, steadfast, courageous, brave, bold
My aim is to educate patients about their condition or injury so they understand the causes and the solutions; what they need to do themselves and how my treatment protocols can progress them to full recovery. Knowledge is strength.
"After having CRPS(a painful neurological condition) for nearly two years I was aprehensive about trying a different treatment. Paul has been fantastic in explaining each step and been extremely supportive. With a course of treatment, I am now back at work and able to walk over 4 miles, having struggled to walk at all at one point."
Kim H, Tring, Nurse
"I have been seeing Paul now for a few months
(6 treatments) and it has been brilliant. He made me feel at ease from the first session and it has done wonders for my back and neck. I feel like a new person. He even has helped me with my anxiety with recommendations of books and given me stretches to help my neck and shoulders. I would recommend him to anyone I know."
Amy M, Prestwood, Hairstylist
"Dear Paul, I can't tell you how much your treatment has helped. My pain is significantly reduced and I am off all my pain medications. I treat myself using the InterX a few times a week. It feels like the nightmare is finally over. Thank you so much. You have been so kind."
Elaine T, (suffering from complex regional pain syndrome)
"I came to Profortis with a difficult shoulder injury that was refusing to get any better. Mr Magee was most knowledgable about the subject and explained his approach to treatment very clearly. After just 3 treatments I was significantly improved and the home-exercise program he recommended allowed me to continue to get better. Professional, courteous, knowledgable. Thank you very much for helping me."
William R, Chartridge, Retired
"Hey, thanks for a fantastic massage. Best Ever!! I will be booking another soon."
Natalie McGrath, Puttenham, Hairstylist
"I was involved in a serious accident in December 2009, breaking both hips and lower left leg, resulting in my being in a wheel chair for three months. I needed weekly personal training sessions for nearly two years, without which I would never have been able to return to horse-riding. I had a setback in October 2012 when my pony went lame and I did not ride for 6 months. Getting back in the saddle in March this year was very depressing – my right hip was so painful that riding was no fun.
I was recommended to Paul Magee by a friend and the result of my first treatment with the InterX was quite simply amazing. Riding was fun again! Paul’s knowledge of how the body works and what causes pain is extensive, and my riding abilities are improving, slowly but steadily, all the time.
I now visit Paul every 4 to 6 weeks, for InterX treatment and massage, and he will continue to play an essential part, (together with training and yoga), in keeping my body in the best possible shape to do everything I need it to!"
Diana Taylor, Chesham, Bookkeeper, November 2013